
A frog called Antonio desperately wanted to leave his village, for many years he felt trapped and misunderstood by his fellows frogs. Finally he decided to leave everything behind. Antonio was ready to see the world and to get rid of his blurred and bored existence, but first he wanted to find a partner. Someone that together with him would share a new life and the uncertain trip that was ahead. After months of looking everywhere he found Juana a very brave and determined frog that as well as Antonio was looking forward to a completely new life experience.

Jumping and singing Antonio and Juana left the village that saw them born and while being accompanied with blue skies and gentle sun rays, in perfect harmony they dreamt of bigger villages where frogs could sing louder, villages where frogs were not only allowed to be green and brown but also blue and purple. After weeks of a non-ending road and during a very quiet and fresh morning they finally noticed something in the horizon. In the distance, through the dense fog they perceived a shockingly big thing. What they managed to see was massive and promising. Jumping faster and almost flying of joy they loudly started singing –Yes, we found it, of course, of course, of course!!!

The closer they were to the thing the bigger it got, unfortunately wasn’t a town or a city was just a huge fallen tree that massively blocked the road. Antonio trying hard climbed desperately the tree but was too big, it was just impossible to cross -My love, this is the end of our trip, Antonio explained to Juana and she immediately replied –I am not going back! We can stay and have our family here, if we can’t make it our children could, I am sure with the time this tree will vanish then our children could see what we didn’t manage to.

Years later there was no tree blocking the road but the two young brother frogs remembered very well what their wise parents always said –You have to follow the road, you have to get to see what we haven’t. There are bigger cities ahead, there are bigger dreams waiting for you. The departure day arrived; the two brothers were by then strong enough to continue a trip that their parents started years ago and when they are about to start jumping forward the oldest brother Ramon asked the little Juan -What should we do brother? Juan replied –Lets go back to our parent’s village.

Source: Here