Number of CWD Cases
Welcome! This is a tool to compare the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease in
six midwestern states over time. Chronic Wasting Disease is an always fatal
and contagious neurological disease that affects deer, elk, and moose. It was
first observed in the 1960s and has since spread to 27 U.S. states and two
Canadian provinces. However, it has not spread evenly.
With this tool, explore the geographical differences in CWD cases in five midwestern states,
adjust the year to see how and where the disease has spread, and overlay
hunting data to look for patterns.
To get started, select a year and overlay from the dropdown menus. After exploring changes in CWD cases and
other hunting data over time, learn more about each state is managing CWD on the "Resources" tab, read about the
project on the "About" tab, and visit the "Help" tab for technial support.