The State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) has received funding to develop statewide address and parcel data to assist the broadband mapping efforts of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW). The project, which runs from July 2013 until June 2014, will aggregate county address point and parcel data into statewide GIS layers with $168,000 in federal funding awarded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The SCO is collaborating with the Division of Intergovernmental Relations at the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) on this project.
The PSCW has identified the development of a comprehensive rural address database for the state as a key requirement for its broadband mapping initiative. Address information would greatly enhance the accuracy of broadband maps, improve the identification of underserved areas, and may increase the reliability of delivery cost and economic impact models. The state’s current broadband map is here.
The objectives of the SCO/DOA project include:
- Establishing statewide address point and parcel GIS layers by integrating county-level datasets.
- Providing training and technical assistance to counties for statewide geospatial data integration.
- Facilitating and refining processes for data-sharing between counties and state agencies.
- Creating a roadmap for sustainability and improvement of the GIS layers beyond the project.
For more details on the project see the Wisconsin Mapping Bulletin
A printable description of the project can be found on the SCO publications page.