Timothy Bawden (Ph.D. ’01), professor of geography at UW-Eau Claire and much loved former graduate student of this department, passed away unexpectedly in April. Tim was a long-time denizen of the dissertator’s office overlooking Langdon Street on the fifth floor of Science Hall. In August, former grads, staff, and faculty gathered in room 550 to place a memorial plaque to Tim on that office door.

Tim’s department memorial was a casual gathering of about 15 friends and family. We reminisced about our times in room 550 and Science Hall, told tall tales, and read the plaque honoring our dear friend. We then navigated the construction outside and made our way to The Terrace. Joined by more good friends, we enjoyed some of Wisconsin’s finest beverages, ate pizza, listened to music and laughed into the evening. We decided to gather each year on the Union Terrace to remember Tim and his considerable impact on the UW-Madison geography community.
We suggest that the third Friday in August be our ‘memorial day’ where we honor Tim and other Science Hall colleagues who have passed.
Read the text of Tim’s memorial plaque.