Two Wisconsin State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) staff members were honored at the 2014 annual Wisconsin Land Information Office (WLIA) conference last month in Middleton, Wisconsin. WLIA is a grassroots organization representing a collection of concerned professionals working to develop, maintain, and apply a network of statewide land information systems. The SCO has played an integral role in the association through the activity of its staff for over two decades.
This year, Associate State Cartographer, Jim Lacy, was given the President’s Award by outgoing WLIA president, Scott Galetka. This meritorious award is given at the discretion of the president. Jim provided countless hours of organizational support last year for the association including building a new website for the group. Jim currently serves on WLIA’s board of directors.
AJ Wortley, SCO’s Senior Outreach Specialist, won an Outstanding Contribution Award. This award is given to a WLIA member and has made a substantial contribution to WLIA activities or the Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP).
AJ has been heavily involved in WLIA activities since 1998. He has served on multiple task forces and committees, served two terms on the board of directors, is a past-president, and has provided dozens of presentations at WLIA conferences through the years. He spent many hours assisting the DOA in crafting the 2009 and 2013 – Wisconsin Land Information Program Report. His dedication, hard work, and advocacy assisting WLIA’s legislative efforts related to the WLIP has been instrumental to our organization’s legislative success throughout the last several years.
The State Cartographer’s Office is Wisconsin’s resource for information about maps, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), land information systems (LIS), and geospatial technology. As a unit within the Department of Geography at the UW–Madison, the SCO promotes the transfer of technologies and ideas developed by faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin system.
Photos courtesy of WLIA