Posted in Alumni Students

Knowing where you're going makes it easier to get there

The Geography Department’s spring student professional development workshop series kicked off on March 11th with Interview Like a Pro. Joining workshop leaders Tanya Buckingham (Assistant Director,…

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Posted in Students

Life mapping: Dean Olsen turns life around to help others preserve their life stories

Dean Olsen had a successful stint in advertising and marketing in New York City, Chicago and London. But his high-flying career came crashing down after…

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Posted in Students

Geography students spend summer jump-starting their careers

When preparing to land that first career job out of school, nothing beats an internship experience to give students a leg up in today’s job…

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Posted in Alumni Students WI Idea

Wisconsin Idea: Bringing environmental education to rural Ecuador

By Gilly McBride, Morgridge Center for Public Service Before they even left for their study abroad program in Ecuador last spring, UW-Madison students Brenna O’Halloran (B.A. Geography, Environmental…

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Posted in Awards Students

LifeMapping wins Burrill Business Plan Awards

GIS Certificate student, Dean Olsen, won two awards at the Steve Burrill Business Plan Competition hosted by the UW Madison Business School this spring. With…

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Posted in Awards Students

Green receives Genevieve Gorst Herfurth Award

Ph.D. student Nathan Green was awarded the Genevieve Gorst Herfurth Award for Outstanding Research in Social Studies for his paper, “The History and Economy of Anti-Malarial…

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Posted in Awards Students

2015 Department Undergraduate Awards

The Geography Department is pleased to announce its 2015 undergraduate awards. Olmstead Awards The Olmstead family set up a fund in 1995 to honor our department…

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Posted in Awards Students

Friedrich awarded Honors Summer Senior Thesis Research Grant

Hannah Friedrich (BA ’16) was awarded a 2015 Honors Senior Thesis Summer Research Grant for her work in Mali’s Inland Niger Delta. The bourgou pasture plains of the…

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Posted in Awards Students

Spring 2015 Student Awards

Every year our students receive many college and university recognitions for their outstanding teaching, research, and academic achievements. Here are some of this spring’s awards to date! WARF…

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Posted in Awards Students Teaching

Sack receives Innovation in Teaching award

Congratulations to Ph.D. student, Carl Sack, for receiving a 2015 UW-Madison ‘Innovation in Teaching’ award. This annual award is given by the Graduate School, with funding support…

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