Category: Teaching
Global Madison makes connections
If you live on Madison’s near eastside, you may have noticed an uptick in the number of people walking through your neighborhood during the last…
Department launches online Professional Masters in GIS and Web Map Programming
In October, the Department of Geography officially announced the launch of its new Online Professional Masters in GIS and Web Map Programming. This is the…
2015 Cartographic Design Challenge
Geography students participate in day of intense professional development Eighteen geography students spent their Valentine’s Day wading through a complicated, real-world dataset, to create data…
Sack receives Innovation in Teaching award
Congratulations to Ph.D. student, Carl Sack, for receiving a 2015 UW-Madison ‘Innovation in Teaching’ award. This annual award is given by the Graduate School, with funding support…
Gibbs awarded third SIRE grant
Congratulations to Prof. Holly Gibbs for winning a 2015 Sustainability Innovation in Research and Education (SIRE) award for her proposal, Solutions for Food Waste Reduction: Integrating Teaching…
Campus Food Map & Sustainable Dining Guide launched
The Office of Sustainability (OS) website now hosts the new “Campus Food Map and Sustainable Dining Guide“ created by UW–Madison students Danielle Caputo, Jen Tirella, and Russell…
Geography Course Offerings for Fall 2014
The Fall 2014 Course Catalog has just been published and classes are now searchable in MyUW. Check out Geography’s course offerings for next semester on our…
Cathy Day wins Innovation in Teaching award
Congratulations to PhD candidate Cathy Day for winning an Innovation in Teaching TA Award from the College of Letters and Science for her work making adaptations to Geog 339: Environmental…
VIDEO: Cronon brings bird's-eye view down to Earth
Bill Cronon’s “American Environmental History” has been described as “life-altering” by many students who have taken the popular course. Watch this powerful video of last semester’s final lecture for Bill’s…
Holly Gibbs awarded grant to enhance food sustainability classes
Holly Gibbs was awarded a SIRE grant from the UW Office of Sustainability to integrate teaching with research on food sustainability. Gibbs will use the grant to…