I teach and research the design of interactive, online, and mobile maps. As a geographer, I view maps and mapping technologies as tools to help solve complex geographic problems, and I therefore am a proponent of both interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in addition to basic research in cartography and visualization. Recent collaborative projects include intersections of cartography with climate change and adaptive climate management, environmental and social justice, globalization and situated learning, and sustainable development, among others.
My research focuses on Cartography, Geovisualization, and Geovisual Analytics with specific emphasis on:
I encourage you to visit my Publications and Presentations pages to view my work; most resources are available as open pdfs.
I am responsible for the four courses that contribute towards the Cartography portion of the Cartography/GIS programs; past syllabi and student final projects can be viewed on the course homepages:
Gareth Baldrica-Franklin
Alicia Iverson
Chelsea Nestel
Nick Underwood
Marty Elmer (MS 2012)
Carl Sack (MS 2013; PhD 2018)
Vanessa Knoppke-Wetzel (MS 2014)
Brian Davidson (MS 2014)
Rashauna Mead (MS 2014)
Richard Donohue (PhD 2014)
Caroline Rose (MS 2015)
Robin Tolochko (MS 2016)
Kristen Vincent (MS 2017)
Zihan Song (MS 2017)
Ross Thorn (MS 2018)
Leanne Abraham (MS 2019)
Adrian George (MS 2020)
I encourage prospective graduate students with interests in cartography and geovisualization to contact me directly with any questions you may have about the programs.
Robert Roth, PhD
Office: 375 Science Hall
Email: reroth@wisc.edu
Twitter: @RobertERoth