This course provides an in-depth examination of advanced topics in cartographic representation, or the graphics, sounds, haptics, etc., constituting a map that are employed to encode geographic information. It is a direct extension of 370, but with a focus on cartographic design for the web rather than print, and draws upon research and practice on graphic design, web design, and art. Specifically, it integrates theory on both mapmaking and map use (compared to 170 or 370, which focus upon one or the other) and emphasizes design of web-delivered static maps, rather than the design of interfaces for manipulating these maps (compared to 575). The course is divided into two components: lectures and labs.
Check out recent syllabi and finals projects of previous semesters below!
Curriculum Overview
G370: Introduction to Cart
G572: Graphic Design
G575: Interactive Cart
G970: Cartography Seminar
Web Mapping Workbook
Mapping for a Sustainable World Textbook
QGIS Open Source Tutorials
Design Challenge
Cart Lab Education Series (CLES)
Educational Resources
Github Projects
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