about SoLIM Training
training plan


This project has both a development component aimed at creating training materials (e.g., documentation, visualization tools, training datasets) and a testing (including revising) component that will provide evaluation of those materials. Project deliverables include:

  • Development of a training curriculum consisting of written materials documenting the SoLIM approach. This amounts to a training manual providing the theoretical underpinning the SoLIM approach, details of how SoLIM has been implemented, and instructions on how to operate SoLIM.
  • Assembly of real-world datasets for GIS specialists to using during their training course. These datasets consist of GIS database for a given area and the knowledge base regarding on soil-landscape model (soil-environmental relationships) for the area.
  • Hosting two NRCS GIS specialists for a two-week dry run of the training program.
  • Evaluation of the dry run results and revision of the training program accordingly.
  • Training each of the two NRCS GIS specialists to work with a local soil scientist from his/her local region and to extract the knowledge on soil-landscape relationships over a watershed.
  • Training each of the two GIS specialists to compile GIS database for the local watershed for applying the SoLIM approach.
  • Training each GIS specialist to conduct soil inference for the local watershed using the data in the GIS database and the extracted knowledge.
  • Training each GIS specialist to refine and validate the inference results.
  • Assisting the two GIS specialists in their efforts to apply the SoLIM approach in a production mode of soil survey.

last updated: February 17, 2004