About me and this project:

Hello! I am Abdullah Ameen and I am a graduate student in GIS and Cartography at the University of Wisconsin Madison.

Students in Geog-572 class were tasked to make a final project of their choice. Geography 572 provides an in-depth examination of advanced themes and topics in cartographic design. G572 focuses on cartographic design for the web rather than print and the intersection of cartographic design with graphic design, web design, and the digital humanities.
I decided to do my final project on "Mathematics", because I used to be a mathematics teacher.😐

My main goal from this project was to analyze the main problems that our teens have in math and to provide them with free resources/websites where they can practice and improve their math skills and get prepared for the ACT test.

When I was working on this project, I went through a lot of research papers and websites to enrich my project. I tried my best to incorporate most of the ideas and findings from those research papers, but due to time limits, I may not include all of them. If you have questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My contact details are provided at the bottom of this page.