Why Do Students Struggle in Math

Over the past few years, math has got a bad reputation among the younger generation and perhaps the same among the adults. The saying of, "I am bad at math or I am not a math person" has somehow become a badge of honor. We not only hear “I am bad at math”, but we are also formalize and recognize it like “It's ok to be bad at math”. It’s easy and fun to say I am not a math person, or I am bad at math, but did you think about the consequences of this among our younger crowds (high schoolers)?
In this project (website) I have analyzed, compared and presented math, science and reading scores of the high school students worldwide. Then based on my findings, I have recommended the top 12 free resources (websites) where high school students can improve thier mathematics skills. It's going to be a great resources page on mathematics for our high school students and their parents in the U.S.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] is a global policy organization that includes the United States and about half of Western Europe countries. It administers international comparison tests, called Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), for 15 year-old students in Mathematics and other subjects.

I have visualized PISA's 2015-2016 report in the map below.

According to PISA-2018 report, U.S students scored slightly better in all three areas (Reading, Math and Science) compared to the previous report. While statistcally insignificant as a measure of imrovement, according to neaToday "the increase was enough to push the United States slightly above the OECD average in reading and science, while still falling below in math. Their scores were similar to those of students in Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom in at least two of these three subjects." For more details see the figure below.


Why U.S High/Middle School Students Scored Below the Average in Math?

Let's have a look at the Nation's Report Card (NAEP) to compare each state performace with the national average (281).
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of what U.S. students know and can do in various subjects. NAEP is a congressionally mandated project administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. Source: Wikipedia.

The thematic map above tells us that 21 out of 50 States performed significantly above the national public (281), while there isn’t a significant difference from the national public for 14 of them, and 15 out of 50 performed significantly lower than the national public.

If we compare the 2019 mathematics performance with 2013, it looks like the trend is negative, so there is need for more effort from both students and educators to change the trend from negative to positive. For more details see below figure or click on State Average Scores.


Let's compare the states performance from 2003 to 2019.
Again "Performed significantly higher than National public" is decreasing and "Not significantly different than National public" is increasing. This means our teens need more and better support to improve their mathematics skills.


What Causes Students to be Struggling with Math

There might be several factors that cause students to be struggling with math, however, based on my experience and findings I am going to list four of them as follows:

Most of the students that are not doing good at math, think that the subject does not apply to real life. They also think that people who are good at math are actually born with a natural ability. Any one of these misconceptions could stop a student from accepting the subject and possibly end their effort to pursue a degree in STEM.
Source: Grade Power
Math Anxiety
Students that have math anxiety don’t simply dislike math, but math also causes them feelings of fear and malfunctioning that hurts their ability to perform better in math. This kind of anxiety can lead students into a lack of confidence when faced with math questions, quizzes and tests. At the end their brain freezes and they forget even the stuff that they already knew.
Poor Foundation
For many students that are struggling with math, it’s because they came to high school with a poor math foundation. For some reasons, they didn’t practice (or never learned) the basics of mathematics (e.g. order of operation, division, multiplication fraction and etc.). Learning elementary school's math is crucial, because that is a foundation.
Giving Up
And because of all those misconceptions and rumors about math like: "I am not a math person", "I am bad at math", "math is difficult", "only nerds are good at math", "why should I care about X & Y", students expect in advance that math is a difficult subject/class, so without any further thinking and consultation, they just easily give up on it.

How to Improve Math Skills - 4Ps

There might be several useful articles, websites and other documentation that focus on how to improve students' math skill and I encourage you to spend some time reading them, but based on my experience and reading a lot of materials I am going to suggest the following:


Used Adobe Illistrutor for making the above figure (4-PS)

Free Mathematical Resources for Improving Math Skills

Click on any of the below buttons to practice math. You can also find this under the "Math Resources" button at the top of this page. Enjoy practicing!

If you have read this far, you are a genius and thank you!