We are thankful to the many alumni and friends who have supported the Geography Department through the years. Private gifts are increasingly critical to ensure that the UW-Madison Geography Department maintains its stature as one of the nation’s top geography programs. Your gifts allow us to recruit and support the highest caliber graduate students and undergraduates, attract top faculty, host stimulating lectures by leading scholars, and provide an environment that promotes excellence in research, teaching, and public outreach. Gifts of any size are most welcome and gratefully received.
You can make contributions online to the following geography funds at the UW Alumni Foundation:
The Geography Fund

The Geography Department Fund supports teaching, research and public service activities in the department. It was established in 1975 with gifts and bequests from alumni, friends, and foundations. Contributions to this fund will be used for our greatest department needs as determined by the chair.
Trewartha Geography Fund

The Trewartha Geography Fund was established in 1982 by Sarita Trewartha in memory of her late and beloved husband, Professor Glenn Trewartha, and also contributed to by friends, family and colleagues. Donations to the Trewartha Fund are used to support graduate student research and professional development including the following awards:
– Trewartha Conference Travel Awards support graduate student conference participation.
– Trewartha Graduate Research Awards provide support for graduate research. It covers research travel to study site, purchases of research experiments and materials, and other costs related to thesis research.
James Knox Geography Community-Building Fund
The purpose of this fund is to establish and reaffirm a sense of community among the faculty, staff, students and alumni of the department. Donations to James Knox Community-Building Fund support community-building events such as department picnics, social gatherings with visiting scholars, annual AAG party, alumni events, retirement celebrations and recognition of other life events of our community members. In 2012 the fund was renamed in honor of Professor James Knox, geomorphologist and professor emeritus, who died suddenly at his Madison home on October 6, 2012. Jim retired from teaching in 2011, but was still an active researcher in Science Hall and beloved member of our community.
Giving by Mail
If you prefer to make your gift by mail, please make your check payable to UW Foundation/Dept of Geography, and send it with this printable gift form to:
UW Foundation
U.S. Bank Lockbox
Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807
Questions about giving?
If you wish to consult with our department’s UW Foundation representative about your gift or other giving options including estates, trusts, gifts in kind, or planned giving, please call or email Ann Lippincott, University of Wisconsin Foundation Development Specialist, at 608-263-3604 or ann.lippincott@supportuw.org