Ph.D., Earth Systems and Geoinformation Sciences, George Mason University, 2011
M.S., Cartography and Geographical Information Science, Peking University, 2007
B.S., Survey and Mapping Engineering, Central South University, 2004
Research Areas
My research primarily focuses on geocomputing, and big data mining. I am very interested in applying different computing models, including cluster, grid, GPU, citizen computing, and especially cloud computing to address contemporary computing challenges in the GIScience. Most recently, I am leveraging and mining big social media for different applications, such as emergency response and disaster coordination, and human mobility.
“Research is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
Current Research
Spatial high-performance/grid/cloud computing
Big data mining
Social media/networks
Large-scale environmental modeling and simulation
Courses Taught
Geog 170, Our Digital Globe: An Overview of GIScience and its Technology, Fall and Spring
Geog 676, Web Spatial Database Development and Programming, Spring
Selected Publications
Yang C., Huang Q., Li Z., Xu C., Liu K., 2013. Spatial Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 304p. ISBN: 978-1466593169.
Huang Q., 2012. Adaptive Nested Models and Cloud Computing for Scientific Simulation: A Case Study Using Dust Storm Forecasting, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 120p. ISBN: 978-3659154775.
Huang Q., Wong D., 2015. Modeling and Visualizing Regular Human Mobility Patterns with Uncertainty: An Example Using Twitter Data.Annals of the Association of American Geographers. forthcoming.
Huang Q., Yu X., 2015. Geographic Situational Awareness: Mining Tweets for Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Impact, and Recovery. International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(3): 1549-1568. DOI:10.3390/ijgi4031549.
Xiao Y., Huang Q., Wu K, 2015. Understanding social media data for disaster management. Natural Hazards. DOI:10.1007/s11069-015-1918-0.
Huang Q., Cao G., Wang C., 2014. From Where Do Tweets Originate? – A GIS Approach for User Location Inference. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN ’14), ACM SIGSPATIAL 2014, Nov 6-9, Dallas, TX.
Huang Q., C. Xu, 2014. A Data-Driven Framework for Archiving and Exploring Social Media Data, Annals of GIS. (in press)
Li R., Feng W., Wu H., Huang, Q., 2014. A replication strategy for a distributed high-speed caching system based on spatiotemporal access patterns of geospatial data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. DOI: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2014.02.009
Li Z., Yang C., Huang Q., Liu K., Sun M., Xia J., et al., 2014. Building Model as a Service to Support Geosciences. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. (in press)
Xia J., Yang C., Liu K., Gui Z., Li Z., Huang Q., & Li, R. (2014). Adopting cloud computing to optimize spatial web portals for better performance to support Digital Earth and other global geospatial initiatives. International Journal of Digital Earth. DOI:10.1080/17538947.2014.929750.
Gui Z., Yang C., Huang Q. et al., 2014. A Service Brokering and Recommendation Mechanism for Better Selecting Cloud Services, PLOS ONE. (in press)
Huang Q., Li Z., Liu K., Xia J., Xu C., Jiang Y., Yu M., Yang C., 2014. Accelerating Geocomputation with Cloud Computing. In: Shi X., Kindratenko, V., Yang C., eds. Modern Accelerating Technologies for GIScience. Springer.
Huang Q., Yang C., Liu K., Xia J., Xu C., Li J., Gui Z., Sun M., Li Z., 2013. Evaluating Open Source Cloud Computing Solutions for Geosciences, Computers & Geosciences, 59(9): 41-52.
Huang Q., Yang C., Benedict K., Chen, S., Rezgui A., Xie J., 2013. Utilize Cloud Computing to Support Dust Storm Forecasting,International Journal of Digital Earth, 6(4): 338-355.
Huang Q., Yang C., Benedict K., Rezgui A., Xie J., Xia J., Chen, S., 2013. Using Adaptively Coupled Models and High-performance Computing for Enabling the Computability of Dust Storm Forecasting, International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 27(4): 765-784.
Huang Q., Yang C., 2011. Optimizing Grid Configuration to Support Geospatial Processing – An Example with DEM Interpolation, Computer & Geosciences, 37(2): 165-176.
Li J., Jiang Y., Yang C., Huang Q., Rice M., 2013. Visualizing 3D/4D environmental data using many-core graphics processing units (GPUs) and multi-core central processing units (CPUs), Computers & Geosciences. DOI: j.cageo.2013.04.029.
Huang Q., Xia J., Yang C., Hassan M., Chen S., 2012. An Experimental Study of Open-Source Cloud Platforms for Dust Storm Forecasting,Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL 2012, Nov 6-9, Redondo Beach, CA, pp.534-537.
Sun M., Li J., Yang C., Schmidt G.A., Bambacus M., Cahalan R., Huang Q., Xu C., Noble E.U., Li Z., 2012. A Web-based Geovisual Analytical Tool for Spatiotemporal Climate Data, Future Internet. DOI: 10.3390/fi4041069.
Yang C., Wu H., Huang Q., Li Z., Li J., 2011. Spatial Computing for Supporting Physical Sciences, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 108(14):5498-5503.
Yang C., Goodchild M., Huang Q., Nebert D., Raskin R., Bambacus M., Xu Y., Fay D., 2011. Spatial Cloud Computing – How Can Geospatial Sciences Use and Help to Shape Cloud Computing, International Journal of Digital Earth, 4(4): 305-329.
Xie J., Yang C., Zhou B., Huang Q., 2010. High Performance Computing for the Simulation of Dust Storms. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 34(4): 278-290.
Huang Q., Yang C., Nebert D., Liu K., Wu H., 2010. Cloud Computing for Geosciences: Deployment of GEOSS Clearinghouse on Amazon’s EC2, Proceedings of the ACM.
Awards and Honors
2014: Next Generation of Hazards & Disasters Researchers, National Science Foundation
2014: CyberGIS Fellow, NCSA
2012: Outstanding Graduate Student, GMU
2011: Summer Student Best Paper Travel Award, UCGIS
2010: AAG CISG Student Best Paper Award