Just what everyone wants – another email address to keep track of! 😉
Seriously, though, your NetID and subsequent email account will provide you access to the University of Wisconsin online. So you want to set this up as soon as you can.
Once the Graduate School officially admits you, you should receive a formal letter from them with your Campus ID number listed at the bottom. (Your ID number should also be available on your actual application – you’re given one as soon as you apply.)
Visit the following link to set up your NetID:
Once your NetID is set up, you should be able to log into MyUW from the top of the www.wisc.edu page.
You are now free to roam about the university… virtually, at least.
If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to contact us at gispp@geography.wisc.edu with the subject line “NetID set up issues.”