Lisa Naughton
Position title: Co-Founder of Online Master's in Cartography & GIS

Postdoctoral Fellow, Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, 1997
PhD, University of Florida-Gainesville, 1996
Research Areas
Biodiversity conservation in developing countries; Social conflict and land use around protected areas; Land tenure & property rights; Attitudes toward wildlife; Wildlife conservation in human-dominated landscapes; Tropical Africa; Tropical South America
Current Research
– Participatory zoning in Tambopata, Peru – Analysis of process and land cover outcomes
– The impact of land tenure in tropical forest regions
– People-wildlife interactions around protected areas in East Africa
– Attitudes toward wolves and wolf recovery in Wisconsin
Courses Taught
Geog 339 Environmental Conservation
Geog 434 People, Wildlife and Landscapes
Geog 538 The Humid Tropics: Ecology and Development
Geog 930 People and Protected Areas in the Tropics
Geog 930 People, Wildlife and Landscapes
– Women in Geography, UW Madison
– Editorial board, Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy
– Association of American Geographers
– American Association of University Women
– Graduate Women in Science
– Society for Conservation Biology
Selected Publications
Hogberg, J., Treves, A., Shaw, B. and L. Naughton-Treves. In review. Does a public hunt improve attitudes toward wolves? Early evidence from Wisconsin.
Weisse, M., Omrudy, M, Roth, R. and L. Naughton-Treves. In press. “Who owns paradise: Using web mapping to enhance a geography course exercise about tropical forest conservation”. Journal of Maps. 9 pp.
Naughton-Treves, L., L’Roe, J., L’Roe, A. and A. Treves. In press. A long term comparison of local perceptions of crop raiding at Kibale National Park, Uganda: Exploring consistency across individuals and sites. pp. xx-xx. in Human-Wildlife Conflict: an Interdisciplinary Approach. K. Hill et al. (Eds) Berghahn Books, London.
L’Roe, J. and L. Naughton-Treves. 2014. Effects of a conservation policy-induced income shock on forest-dependent households in the Peruvian Amazon. Ecological Economics 97: 9 pp.
Hazzah, L., Dolreny, S., Naughton, L., Edwards, C., Mwebi, O. , Kearney, F. and L. Frank. 2014. “Participation and Payments: Efficacy of two lion conservation programs in Maasailand, Kenya”. Conservation Biology. 28(3):851-860.
Karanth, K., DeFries, R. Naughton-Treves, L. and A. Gopalaswamy. 2013. “Living with Wildlife and Mitigating Conflicts around Three Indian Protected Areas”. Environmental Management. 52(6): 1320-1332.
Treves, A., Naughton-Treves, L. and V. Shelley. 2013. “Longitudinal analysis of attitudes toward wolves” Conservation Biology. 27(2): 315-323.
Robinson, B., M. Holland and L. Naughton-Treves. 2013. “Does secure land tenure save forests? A meta-analysis of the relationship between land tenure and tropical deforestation”. Global Environmental Change. DOI 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.05.012
Naughton-Treves, L. and K. Wendland. 2013. “Land Tenure and Tropical Forest Carbon Management” World Development. DOI 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.010
Holland, M., de Koning, F, Morales, M, Naughton-Treves, L., Robinson, B. and L. Suárez. 2013. “Complex tenure and deforestation: implications for conservation incentives in the Ecuadorian Amazon”. World Development. DOI 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.01.012
Jackson, M. and L. Naughton-Treves. 2012. “Eco-bursaries as incentives for conservation around Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya”. Environmental Conservation. 39 (4): 347-356.
Naughton-Treves, L., Alix-Garcia, J. and C. Chapman. 2012. “Land tenure issues in tropical forest: whom to pay for carbon offsets?” pp. xx in Falque, M. and H. Lamotte (eds). Biodiversity, Property Rights, Economics and the Environment. Conference proceedings. Bruylant Publishers.
Naughton-Treves, L. 2012. “Participatory Zoning to Balance Conservation and Development in Protected Areas” pp. 235-252 in J. Ingram et al eds. The Application of Ecology in Development Solutions. Springer Press, New York.
Naughton-Treves, L. and C. Day. eds. 2012. Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD+.Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Madison, Wisconsin: UW-Madison Land Tenure Center. USAID
Day, C. and L. Naughton-Treves. 2012. “Introduction: Early Efforts to Secure Land Tenure within Forest Carbon Management Projects” Chpt. 1 in Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD+.Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Madison, Wisconsin: UW-Madison Land Tenure Center.
Lastarria, S., Morales, M., Naughton-Treves, L. and L. Suárez. 2012. Efforts to secure indigenous communal land rights in NW Ecuador. Chpt 10 in Lessons about Land Tenure, Forest Governance and REDD+.Case Studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Madison, Wisconsin. UW-Madison Land Tenure Center.
Naughton-Treves, L., Chapman, C. and J. Alix-Garcia. 2011. “Parks and Poverty: Lessons from a decade of forest loss and economic growth around Kibale National Park, Uganda”. Proc of Natl Academy of Science. 108(34): 13919-13924.
Shelley, V., A. Treves and L. Naughton-Treves. 2011. “Attitudes to Wolves and Wolf Policy among Ojibwe Tribal Members and Non-tribal Residents of Wisconsin’s Wolf Range”. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.16(6): 397-413.
Bruce, J., K. Wendland and L. Naughton-Treves. 2010. “Whom to pay? Key Concepts and Terms regarding Tenure and Property Rights in Payment-based Forest Ecosystem Conservation.” Land Tenure Center Policy Brief 15.
Morales, M., Naughton-Treves, L. and L. Suárez (Eds). 2010. Seguridad en la tenencia de la tierra e incentives para la conservación de bosques. Quito-Ecuador: Publicaciones ECOLEX. 95 pp.
Agarwala, M., Naughton-Treves, L., Sumar, S. and A. Treves. 2010. “Paying for wolves in Solapur, India and Wisconsin, USA: The politics and practice of compensation”. Biodiversity Conservation. 143:2945-55.
Wendland, K., Naughton-Treves, L. Suárez, L. and Suyanto. 2010.”Rewards for Ecosystem Services and Collective Land Tenure: Lessons from Ecuador and Indonesia”. Mountain Research Forum. Vol X(1):19-22.
Treves, A., Jurewicz, R., Naughton-Treves, L. and D. Wilcove. 2009. “The Price of Tolerance: Wolf Damage Payments After Recovery”. Biodiversity and Conservation. DOI 10.1007/s10531-009-9695-2
Naughton-Treves, L. 2007. “Collaborative land use planning. Zoning for conservation and development in protected areas”. LTC Policy Briefing, #4. August.
Naughton-Treves, L., et al. 2006. “Expanding protected areas and incorporating human resource use: A study of 15 forest parks in Ecuador and Peru” Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy.
Treves, A., Wallace, R., Naughton-Treves, L. and A. Morales. 2006. “Co-managing human-wildlife conflicts: A review.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife.11(6): 383 – 396.
Naughton-Treves, L., Chapman, C. and D. Kammen. 2006. “Burning Biodiversity: Commerical and subsistence use of woody biomass in western Uganda”, Biological Conservation. 134:232 – 241.
Naughton-Treves, L., Buck, M. and K. Brandon. 2005. “The Role of Protected Areas in Conserving Biodiversity and Sustaining Local Livelihoods” Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 30:219-252.
Chiyo, P.I., Cochrane, E.P., Naughton-Treves, L.and G.I. Basuta. 2005. “Temporal patterns in crop raiding by elephants. A response to changes in forage quality of crop availability?” African Journal of Ecology. 43:48-55.
Naughton-Treves, L., and A. Treves. 2005. “Socio-ecological factors shaping local attitudes to wildlife in rural Africa”, pp. 253-277 in Woodroffe, R. et al. (eds) People and Wildlife: Conflict and Coexistance. Cambridge University Press.
Treves, A. and Naughton-Treves, L.. 2005. “Evaluating Lethal Contol in the Management of Human-Wildlife Conflict”, pp. 86-106 in Woodroffe, R. et al. (eds) People and Wildlife: Conflict and Coexistance. Cambridge University Press.
Naughton-Treves, L. and N. Salafsky. 2004. “Wildlife conservation in agroforestry buffer zones: Opportunity and conflict.” pp. 319-345 in G. Schroth, et. al, editors, Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Landscapes. Island Press.
Naughton-Treves, L.. 2004. “Deforestation and carbon emissions at tropical frontiers: A case study from the Peruvian Amazon” World Development. 32:173-190.
Chapman, C., Chapman, L.J., Naughton-Treves, L.., Lawes, M.J., and L.R. McDowell. 2004. Predicting folivorous primate abundance: Validation of a nutrition model. American Journal of Primatology. 62:55-69
Treves, A., Naughton-Treves, L., Harper, E., Mladenoff, D., Rose, R., Sickley, T. and A. Wydeven. 2004. “Predicting human-carnivore conflict: A spatial model based on 25 years of wolf predation on livestock” Conservation Biology. 18:114-125.
Chapman, C.A., M.J. Lawes, Naughton-Treves, L., and T.R. Gillespie. 2003. “Primate survival in community-owned forest fragments: Are metapopulation models useful amidst intensive use?” in L.K. Marsh, editor, Primate Ecology and Conservation. Kluwer Academic /Plenum Publishers, New York. Pp. 63-78.
Naughton-Treves, L., Mena, J.L., Treves, A., Alvarez, N. and V. Radeloff. 2003. “Wildlife survival beyond park boundaries: The impact of slash-and-burn agriculture and hunting on mammals in Tambopata, Peru” Conservation Biology. 17:1106-1117.
Alvarez, N. and Naughton-Treves, L.. 2003. “Linking national agrarian policy to deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon: A case study of Tambopata, 1986-1997” Ambio. 23:269-274.
Grossberg, R., Treves, A. and Naughton-Treves, L.. 2003. “The incidental ecotourist – Measuring visitor impacts on endangered howler monkeys inhabiting an archaeological site in Belize” Environmental Conservation. 30(1):40-51.
Naughton-Treves, L., Grossberg, R. and A. Treves. 2003. “Paying for tolerance? The impact of livestock depredation and compensation payments on rural citizens’ atttiudes toward wolves” Conservation Biology. 17(6):1500-1511.
Naughton-Treves, L. 2002. “Wild animals in the garden: Conserving wildlife in Amazonian agroecosystems.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 92(3):488-506.
Naughton-Treves, L. and C. Chapman. 2002. “Fuelwood resources on fallow land in East Africa.” Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 14:19-32.
Awards and Honors
– Fulbright-IIE, Universidad Austral de Chile & Universidad de Magallanes, Chile, 2012-13
– USAID. Promoting Transformation by Linking Natural Resources, Economic Growth and Governance, 2007-12
(PI for LTC/UW-Madison, Lead PI: D. Wilkie, WCS)
– Picard Chair of Geography, 2008-09
– Vilas Faculty Associate Research Award, 2006-07
– Fulbright-Hays Research Fellowship. Reforming Environmental Governance: The Ecuadorian Experience with Protected Areas, 2006-07
– Fulbright-IIE, Research and Teaching Grant, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 2005-06
– Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award for 2005
– Visiting Research Fellow, Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University, 2001-02
– Environmental Leadership Program Fellow, 2000-01 (declined)
– Lilly Teaching Fellowship, UW-Madison, 1999-2000
– MacArthur Postdoctoral Fellowship in Environment and Security, Princeton University, 1996-97
– American Association of University Women Fellowship, 1995
Other Activities
– “Learning about Deer Hunting” (story by the Wisconsin State Journal)
– Wolf recovery in Wisconsin
– Land tenure issues related to forest carbon sequestration projects in developing countries
– Decentralization and governance of protected areas in developing countries
– Faculty Affiliate, Land Tenure Center, UW-Madison
– Program Committee Member, Graduate Program in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development, Nelson Inst for Env Studies
– Scientific Advisor to the Endangered Resources Program of the Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources
– Collaborative research with international conservation organizations, including:
- The Center for Applied Biodiversity Science
- The Wildlife Conservation Society