Can you pronounce Nanaweyah Ominihekan (an unincorporated town in Shawano Co, WI)? Are you pronouncing Shawano correctly for that matter? Our WI State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) has created a tool to help.
Pronounce Wisconsin is an online mapping application that includes pronunciations for more than 1,700 cities, counties, villages and unincorporated communities.
State Cartographer, Howard Veregin, sees the application as part of the SCO’s outreach mission, as well as a means to preserve the identity of the unincorporated communities. He’s also hopeful it could develop into a useful tool for tourism, particularly for non-English-speaking visitors to the state.
The map interface was built by SCO intern John Czaplewski (GIS Cert ’12) as his program capstone project.
Read more about the project in a recent story in L&S’s News & Notes!