By: Ben Cramer, UW-Madison Geography Club President

From April 12th – April 15th, members of the undergraduate Geography Club attended the American Planning Association National Planning Conference in Minneapolis. The NPC is an annual gathering of experts, professionals, and leaders in the field of planning. The group of students spent the weekend exploring lectures, panel discussions, and workshops; learning how a background in Geography or Geographic Information Systems can be utilized in the field of Urban and Regional Planning.

Speaking with students on the trip, they all comment on the positive experiences they had. Senior Ben Cramer quotes, “I am thankful to have learned more about my passions for sustainable and equitable cities, as well as to have shared many laughs and smiles with both old and new friends.” Senior Simone Schnieder commented on the event similarly saying, “I gained insight into how to integrate the skills acquired from this department with my interests in environmental management, natural resource planning, and natural hazard mitigation.” Others, like junior Owen Edminster, commented on how great it was to be able to connect with other undergrads about their interests. Even for those new to the field of geography and urban planning, like freshman Andrew Dzananovic, said the conference was a great off-campus opportunity to explore career interests.
In reflecting on this fantastic experience, the Geography Club extends their gratitude to both the Associated Students of Madison and the Department of Geography for their great help in making this experience possible and a great success! They look forward to the opportunity to attend more conferences in the future!