Photo courtesy of Kris Olds
Yi-Fu Tuan was a cherished faculty member in UW’s Geography Department. His path-breaking scholarship inspired us as did his dedication to our intellectual community. He was always eager to engage with fellow geographers, whether undergrads, grads or faculty. Yi-Fu Tuan’s extraordinary generosity now continues in the form of a sizeable bequest he left to the Department. We will devote these funds to continued support of the Yi-Fu Tuan lecture series. These Friday events are an essential part of our Department’s intellectual life, offering us a chance to host scholars from near and far, and engage in scintillating conversation about geographical phenomena and scholarship.

On Friday March 31, 2023 the UW-Madison Department of Geography welcomes Tim Cresswell, who will give a special Yi-Fu Tuan lecture entitled ‘On Routes‘. Cresswell, the Ogilvie Professor of Geography at the University of Edinburgh, is one of Yi-Fu Tuan’s notable former Ph.D. students. In part, the lecture will mark the passing of his former mentor and friend whom he fondly remembered in this piece last August. All are welcome to attend.
Lecture Details:
Date: Friday March 31, 2023
Time: 3:30 – 4:30pm
Location: Room 180 Science Hall
(550 N. Park Street, Madison WI 53706)
https://go.wisc.edu/l880yf (Livestream)
Reception to follow in the Robinson Map Library
(310 Science Hall)