Yi-Fu Tuan Lecture Archive

All lectures are presented fully online via Zoom every Friday at 3:30 PM. The link to join the meeting is https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/99623736476 except when otherwise indicated. Brown bag sessions start at noon on the days there are speakers. Alumni, friends and the public are always invited to attend.
Spring 2006 Lectures

January 27 - Interdisciplinary Excellence: A Competency Based Approach
Dr. Frances Westley
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin - Madison

February 3
Mara Goldman and Brenda Parker
Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin - Madison

10 - Boundaries Among Kin: Kluane and White River First Nations and the
Problem of 'Overlap' in Yukon First Nation Final Agreements
Dr. Paul Nadasdy
Department of Anthropology, American Indian Studies Program, Univ of Wisconsin -- Madison

February 24 - Ice-Age Refugia and Holocene Development of the Alaskan Boreal Biome: From DNA Input to Solar Output
Dr. Feng Sheng Hu
Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

March 3 - Outlasting Empire(s): The Invisible Ecologies of Machakos
Dr. Diane Rocheleau
Department of Geography, Clark University

April 6 - Race, Regions and the Black/White Binary: Latinos in the New South
Dr. Laura Pulido - Hilldale Lecture
Department of Geography and American Studies and Ethnicity, Univ of Southern California

April 14 - Feminist Meets Political: Geographies of Rapprochement
Dr. Jennifer Hyndman
Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University

April 21 - A Hierarchical View of the Climatic Controls of Wildfire in the Western United States
Dr. Pat Bartlein
Department of Geography, University of Oregon

April 28 - Studying River Environments: Integration Through Disciplinary Juxtaposition
Dr. Martin Doyle
Department of Geography, University of North Carolina

May 5 - Entrepreneurship, Gender and Citizenship
Dr. Susan Hanson
Department of Geography, Clark University