Author: Geography Staff
We're Hiring: IT Manager
The Department of Geography is in search of an Information Technology (IT) Manager. The IT Manager is responsible for the IT needs of the Department of Geography, Gaylord…
May Graduate Student Defense Talks
Join us in support of the following students as they present their final degree talks over the next 2 weeks. Monday, May 2: Zidong Zhang (MS-Cart/Geog) 2:30pm, Hartshorne Room,…
Geography junior awarded fellowship to develop water quality project in rural Ecuador
Geography junior Amelia Rossa (along with fellow undergrads Joshua Kalman and Caden Lambie), in partnership with the Ceiba Foundation, has been awarded a 2016-17 Wisconsin Idea Fellowship to implement a…
2016 Undergraduate Research Symposium – April 14th
You are invited to attend the 2016 Undergraduate Symposium on Thursday, April 14 at Union South. Show your support for undergraduates as they showcase their creativity,…
Geography graduate students awarded Mellon Fellowships
Congrats to graduate students Andy Davey, Mario Bruzzone, and Sarah Bennett, each of whom has been awarded a Mellon-Wisconsin Fellowship for Summer 2016! These Fellowships…
Tanya Buckingham receives Outstanding Service in Mentoring Award
Tanya Buckingham (Assistant Director, Cartography Laboratory) has been honored by the UW-Madison with an Award for Outstanding Service in Mentoring Undergraduates in Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities. In…
UW recognizes Kris Olds' support and leadership as an Education Innovation Senior Fellow
“As an expert on globalization of higher education and research, a passionate supporter and creator of Open Educational Resources (OERs), and one of the pioneer…
Summer 2016 Geography Classes
Registration is now open for Summer 2016 courses. Here are the courses, including three online classes, offered by the Geography Department this summer. GEOG 170: Our…
Knowing where you're going makes it easier to get there
The Geography Department’s spring student professional development workshop series kicked off on March 11th with Interview Like a Pro. Joining workshop leaders Tanya Buckingham (Assistant Director,…
Sand dunes are important desert dust sources
by SCIENCE CHINA PRESS Dust storms are a common occurrence in the deserts of northern China and previous researchers have attempted to locate the most important…