Geospatial Data Science Lab
Geospatial Big Data is an extension to the concept of Big Data with emphasis on the geospatial component and under the context of geography or geosciences.

Gibbs Land Use and Environment Lab (GLUE)
GLUE studies human environment interactions and aim to reconcile forest conservation, climate change, and food security by informing policy and market-based strategies.

Marín-Spiotta Biogeography & Biogeochemistry (BiogeoLab) Research Group
The Marín-Spiotta Biogeography & Biogeochemistry (BiogeoLab) Research Group investigates how landscape disturbances due to changes in climate and land use alter the accumulation and loss of biomass and biologically active elements.

The Williams Lab
The Williams Lab studies vegetation change and its drivers, across diverse spatial and temporal scales, with an emphasis on the environmental changes of the last 20,000 years as a model system for global change research.

Spatial Computing and Data Mining Lab
Our lab research aims to bridge the gap between Computer and Information Science (CIScience) and Geographic Information Science (GIScience).