Erika Marin-Spiotta

Position title: Professor


Science Hall
550 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706



Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
B.S., Stanford University


Biogeochemistry; Biogeography; Biodiversity; Land Use; Ecosystem function; Climate

Research Areas

Research in the Marin-Spiotta BiogeoLab research group in the Department of Geography at UW Madison broadly examines how anthropogenic and climatically-driven landscape disturbance alters the accumulation and loss of biomass and biologically active elements within and across ecosystem boundaries. We are also interested in interactions between changing biodiversity and ecosystem structure and function. We combine field and laboratory measurements and multiple geochemical techniques to identify elemental sources and sinks and quantify pools and process rates. Our research cuts across different spatial scales: from microscopic interactions between organic matter and mineral surfaces in soils, to stand-level forest dynamics, to regional soil C inventories; as well as temporal scales: from annual to millennial.

Current Research

For the most recent information on my group’s research projects, publications, and teaching, please visit our lab website. If you are interested in joining my research group, please send me an e-mail describing your research interests, past experience, and your CV.

Courses Taught

For a list of all courses taught and their descriptions, please visit my lab page.