Anika M. Rice
Position title: PhD Candidate
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Advisors: Matt Turner and Lisa Naughton

MS, Geography, University of Wisconsin Madison 2021
Thesis: “Pandemic-Era Agroecology in Guatemala: Economic solidarity and smallholder resilience to economic shock”
BA, Geography, University of California Berkeley.
migration, land tenure, agroecology, feminist political ecology, seed saving in diaspora, Latin America, participatory action & community-based research approaches
*non-peer reviewed
- Dean, J. W., Rice, A. M., & Choi, L. M. (2023). Small-Scale Food Production in the Pandemic: Perspectives from Mexico and Guatemala/Producción de alimentos en pequeña escala durante la pandemia: perspectivas desde México y Guatemala. Journal of Latin American Geography, 22(2), 215-226.
- Rice, A. M., Einbinder, N., & Calderón, C. I. (2023). ‘With agroecology, we can defend ourselves’: examining campesino resilience and economic solidarity during pandemic-era economic shock in Guatemala. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 47(2), 273-305.
- Turner, M. D., Davis, D. K., Yeh, E. T., Hiernaux, P., Loizeaux, E. R., Fornof, E. M., Rice, A. M. & Suiter, A. K. (2023). Great Green Walls: Hype, Myth, and Science. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 48.
- *Rice, A.M. (2022) “En Tiempos de Pandemia: Guatemalan campesinos revalue bartering as a traditional practice.” LACIS Review, Issue #01, Summer/Fall 2022.
- Rice, A. M., & Goldberg, Z. (2021). ‘Harvesting a participatory movement’: Initial participatory action research with the Jewish Farmer Network. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(1), 115-136.
- *Rice, Anika M. “We Don’t Own Nature: Coffee Producers and Diversification,” Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, April 2018, 16-21.
- *Rice, Anika M. “Women in Coffee Lead the Way: Agroecology in times of crisis,” Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, October 2017, 28-33.
- Goldberg, Z. & Rice, A. M. “What is a Jewish Seed? Conversations with growers of the hairy melon.” Jewish Seed Project Blog, June 27, 2022.
- Rice, Anika M. and Zachary A. Goldberg. “How Jewish Farmers are Divesting from White Supremacy,” Edge Effects, July 1, 2021.
- Rice, Anika M. “Cattle, Displacement and Counterinsurgency in Guatemala: How is beef production linked to landscape change and social conflict?” Self-published, ARC GIS Story Maps Platform. November 2, 2020.
- Rice, Anika M. “Urban farm acts as a tool for growth,” The Berkeley Californian, Op-Ed. Jan 23, 2014.
- Rice, Anika M. Made in the Shade: Bird Friendly Coffee, Map in Food: An Atlas, Guerilla Cartography, 2013, 34-35.
- Mellon ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship, 2024-2025
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program – Guatemala, 2025, declined
- Scott Kloeck-Jenson International Pre-Dissertation Travel Grant, UW-Madison, 2024
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 2020-2025
- Morgridge Fellowship for Community Engaged Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023-2024
- Nave Tinker Latin America Fieldwork Grant, 2023.
- Trewartha Graduate Research Award, Geography Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2022
- Foreign Language Area Studies Award for Maya K’iche’ language study, Summer 2022
- 4W (Women & Wellbeing in Wisconsin & the World) Engagement Grant for Emerging Scholars, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2020-2021
- Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS) Fieldwork Mini-Grant, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2020
- Conference of Latin American Geographers (CLAG) Summer Fieldwork Grant, 2020
- University of Wisconsin Madison, Helen Firstbrook Franklin Scholarship, 2019-2020
- University of Wisconsin Madison, Institute for Regional and International Studies Summer Fieldwork Research Award, 2019-2020
- National Geographic Early Career Grantee, “Women in Coffee”, 2016-2017