A-Xing Zhu
Position title: Professor
Email: azhu@wisc.edu
Website: A-Xing Zhu's personal website
Phone: (608) 262-0272
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin-Madison
550 North Park Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1404 USA

Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1994
GIS/RS techniques (artificial intelligence/fuzzy logic); watershed system modeling and scenario analysis; intelligent geocomputing
Theoretical and Methodological Foci:
Geographic similarity principle/Third Law of Geography, Mapping spatial variation using “soft knowledge”, Watershed system science and GIS-based environmental modeling, Spatial data mining and knowledge discovery, Uncertainty in GIS
Application Areas:
Soil survey using GIS/artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic (SOLIM), Wildlife habitat mapping using “soft knowledge”, Landslide mapping using GIS using domain knowledge, Best landuse management practice using environmental modeling and scenario analysis
Geography 120: Introduction to Global Physical Environment
Geography 377: Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Geography 577: Environmental Modeling with GIS
Geogrpahy 578: GIS Applications
Geography 579: GIS and Spatial Analysis
Geography 765: Intro. to Geogrphic Inquiry & Analysis
Geography 970: Seminar in GIScience
Editor-in-Chief of Annals of GIS (Taylor & Francis)
Elected Chairman of the Pedometrics Commission of International Union of Soil Science;
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhu, A.X., F. Liu, B. Li, T. Pei, C. Qin, G. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, X. Ma, F. Qi, C. Zhou, accepted. “Differentiation of soil conditions over flat areas using land surface feedback dynamic patterns extracted from MODIS”, Soil Science Society of America Journal.
Pei, T., C. Zhou, A.X. Zhu, B. Li, C. Qin, accepted. “Discovering Clusters in Spatio-temporal Data Using Windowed Nearest-Neighbour Method”, International Journal of Geographic Information Science.
Pei, T., A.X. Zhu, C. Zhou, B. Li, C. Qin, accepted. “Detecting Feature from Spatial Point Processes Using Averaging Nearest-neighbor”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
Qin, C. A.X. Zhu, X. Shi, T. Pei, B. Li, C. Zhou, Accepted. “The quantification of spatial gradation of slope positions”, Geomorphology. Liu, J.,
Zhu, A.X., 2009. Mapping with Words: A New Approach to Automated Digital Soil Survey, International Journal of Intelligent Systems 24, 293-311.
Behrens, T., K. Schmidt, A.X. Zhu, T. Scholten, Accepted. “Multi-scale digital terrain analysis and feature selection for digital soil mapping”, Geoderma.
Zhu, A.X., Yang, L., B.L. Li,C.Z. Qin,T. Pei, B.Y. Liu, Accepted. “Construction of quantitative relationships between soil and environment using fuzzy c-means clustering”, Geoderma.
Pei, T., A. Jasra, D.J. Hand, A.X. Zhu, 2008. “DECODE: A new method for discovering clusters of different densities in spatial data”, Data Mining and Knowledge Discover. DOI: 10.1007/s10618-008-0120-3.
Yang, F.H., A.X. Zhu, K. Ichii, M.A. White, H. Hashimoto, R.R. Nemani, 2008. “Representativeness Analysis of the Ameriflux Network”, Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1029/2007JG000627, 2008. Qi, F.,
Zhu, A-X., Pei, T., Qin, C., and Burt, J.E., 2008, Knowledge discovery from are-class resource maps: capturing prototype effects, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 35(4) 223-237.
Zhu, A.X., 2008. “Spatial Scale and Neighborhood Size in Spatial Data Processing for Modeling Nature Environment”. In: Mount, N. J., Harvey, G. L., Aplin, P. and Priestnall, G., Representing, Modeling and Visualizing the Natural Environment: Innovations in GIS 13, CRC Press, Florida, pp.147-165.
Zhu, A.X., L. Yang; B. Li, C. Qin, E. English, J. E. Burt, C.H. Zhou, 2008. “Purposefully sampling for digital soil mapping”. In: A.E. Hartemink, A.B. McBratney and M.L. Mendonca Santos (eds.) Digital Soil Mapping with Limited Data, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 233-245.
Zhu, A.X., Burt J E, Smith M, Wang R X, Gao J., 2008. The impact of Neighbourhood Size on Terrain Derivatives and Digital Soil Mapping. In: Q. Zhou, B. Lees G. Tang (eds.) Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp.333-348.
Zhu, A.X., 2008. “Rule based mapping”. In: J.P. Wilson and A.S. Fotheringham (eds) The Handbook of Geographic Information Science, Blackwell, Malden, MA, pp. 273-291.
Distinguished Scholar Award, International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographical Information Science (2022)
Education Excellence Award, International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographical Information Science (2017)
Hamel Faculty Fellow Award, UW-Madison (2009);
Vilas Associates Award, UW-Madison (2008);
The ASPRS Intergraph Award for best paper in spatial data standards, 1998
Fei Du (Ph.D) – Dissertation: Knowledge Integration in Geospatial Predictive Mapping
Jamon Van Den Hoek (Ph.D) – Dissertation: Mosaic of Change: Cross-scale Forest Cover Dynamics in Tibetan Yunnan, China (web link)
Jing Liu (Ph.D) – Dissertation: Integration of Samples from Multiple Sources for Predictive Mapping over Large Areas
Guiming Zhang (Ph.D) – Dissertation: A representativeness directed approach to spatial bias mitigation in VGI for predictive mapping (web link)