Bill Limpisathian
Credentials: PhD, MS, BS
Position title: Assistant Professor and Associate Faculty Director of the UW Cartography Lab
Pronouns: he/him
Website: NeuroCarto Research Group
376 Science Hall
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin-Madison
550 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
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Fall 2024 Office Hours
- Mondays 2:05p to 4:30p (walk-in & by appointment)
- Fridays 1:35p to 3:00p (by appointment only)
- Reserve a time slot
- Subject to change
Faculty Affiliations
- Associate Faculty Director, UW Cartography Lab
- Faculty Affiliate, Center for Demography of Health and Aging
- Faculty Affiliate, Holtz Center for Science & Technology Studies
Professional Affiliations
- Slack Community Manager, NACIS Communications and Outreach Committee
- Journal Editorial Board Member, Cartographic Perspectives
- PhD, Geography (Cognitive neuroscience of cartography), University of Oregon, 2022
- MS, Geography (Cartographic perception), Penn State, 2017
- BS, Geography (GIScience) & Information Sciences and Technology minor, Penn State, 2015
Research Interests
Neuro-cartography, Cognitive cartography, Exploratory neuroscience, Map cognition, Visual perception, Aphantasic cognition, Neurodesign, fMRI, Neuro-centric UX design, Map design, Spatial thinking, Spatial cognition, Spatial computing
Research Agenda
My research sits at the crossroads of cartographic visualization and neuroscience – examining the perception and cognition of cartographic representations using fMRI. In simpler terms, I spend my days thinking about how our brains see and decode representations of space (maps!) and how might map design moderate this process. I am a big proponent of transdisciplinary empirical research methods that expand the way we think about and study maps and cartographic design.
I bring with me industry experience from my time as a member of the highly dynamic Apple Maps Cartography team. Additionally, I have extensive professional map production experience from my time as a UOregon InfoGraphics Lab graduate cartographer – having worked on the Atlas of Yellowstone, 2nd ed., the Atlas of Wild Migrations, and other atlases, books and projects. I also was the principal cartographer for the Frank Lloyd Wright UNESCO World Heritage nomination project while a member of the Penn State Gould Center.
I aim to synthesize my deep expertise and broad experiences to build out a Cognitive Neuroscience of Cartography (NeuroCarto) research group within the UW Cart Lab. My immediate research seeks to explore the impact of aphantasia – the inability to visually imagine – and related cognitive conditions on geospatial and map reading abilities. Investigating aphantasia and its potential impact on map cognition offers valuable insights into the fundamental mental processes that underpin the amodal cognition of maps. Such direct insights would surpass the information that traditional metrics of task performance or participant surveys currently provide. A more precise examination of these functional differences helps us better understand possible modality-independent mental strategies employed for map reading.
Teaching Portfolio
My teaching portfolio broadly encompasses cartography and map/geospatial cognition.
- GEOG 175: First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs) – Mapping Our Changing World
- GEOG 370: Introduction to Cartography
- GEOG 475/570: Cartographic Production & Project Management
- GEOG 970: Seminar in GIScience and Cartography – Topics in Map and Spatial Cognition
Graduate Student Recruitment
My NeuroCarto Research Group welcomes grad students interested in cognitive issues in cartography, human-centric map design, and geospatial cognition. I am especially interested in those with cognitive sciences/neuropsychology experience. I invite prospective graduate students interested in these topics to contact me via email.