Sarah A. Moore
Position title: Department Chair, Associate Professor
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Phone: 608.262.3213

PhD, University of Kentucky, 2006
MA, Geography, University of Kentucky, 2001
Certificate in Social Theory, University of Kentucky, 2000
BA, Anthropology, University of Iowa, 1997
BA, International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 1995
Waste, Spatial and Social Theory, Psychoanalytic and Emotional Geographies, Urban Geography, Postcolonial Development Studies, Environmental Justice
Geographies of waste; space and social theory (including Marxian, post-structural, psychoanalytic and legal approaches); urban geography; and environmental justice.
I am currently investigating the transnational trade of hazardous waste in North America, its implications for issues of environmental justice, and shifting understandings of regulatory regimes in critical legal geography.
See: Badger Talks and hazmatmapper for more on this project.
Undergraduate Courses:
Geography/Urban and Regional Planning 305: Introduction to the City
Geography 503: Researching the City
Graduate Courses:
Geography 901: Seminar in Cultural Geography: Unreasonable Subjects
Spring 2013: Urban Geography
Spring 2014: Feminist Geography
Spring 2015: Law, Justice and Space
Spring 2017: Urban Geography
Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies
Culture History and the Environment
(2022) P. Robbins, J. Hintz and S.A. Moore. Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, 3rd Edition. (1st Edition 2012).
(2019) Robbins, P. and S.A.Moore “Return of the Repressed: Native Presence and American Trauma in John Muir’s Boyhood and Youth” The Annals of the American Association of Geographers
(2018) Moore, S.A. M. Arefin* and H. Rosenfeld* “Battery Waste: Generating Anxiety, Short-Circuiting Desire” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space: 36:6:1081–1100.
(2018) Moore, S.A., R.E. Roth, E. Nost*, K. Vincent* and H. Rosenfeld* “ Undermining methodological nationalism: Cosmopolitan analysis and visualization of the North American hazardous waste trade” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space: 50: 8: 1558–
(2018) Rosenfeld, H*., S.A. Moore, E. Nost*, K. Vincent* and R.E. Roth “Burning 4000 liters of nail polish at American Drive: challenging the aesthetics of hazardous waste” GeoHumanities: 4:1, 262-281. doi:10.1080/2373566X.2017.1423235
(2018) Vincent*, K., R. E. Roth, S. A. Moore, Q Huang, N. Lally*, C.M.Sack*, E. Nost* and H. Rosenfeld* “Improving geographic decision making using interactive maps: An empirical study on interface and decision complexity in the North American Hazardous Waste Trade” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science:
(2017) Moore, S.A., R. Roth, H. Rosenfeld*, E. Nost*, K. Vincent*, M. Arefin* & T. Buckingham “Undisciplining Environmental Justice Research and Visual Storytelling” Geoforum
(2017) Nost, E.*, H. Rosenfeld*, K. Vincent*, S.A. Moore, & R. Roth “HazMatMapper: An online and interactive geographic visualization tool for exploring transnational flows of hazardous waste and environmental justice” Journal of Maps13:1:14-23. doi:10.1080/17445647.2017.1282384
(2015) Moore, S.A, J. Wilson*, S. Kelly-Richards* & S. Marston “School Gardens as Sites for Forging Progressive Socio-Ecological Futures” Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 105:2:407-415
(2015) De La Ossa, J.* and S.A. Moore “The Purloined Speech” Emotion, Space and Society. 14: 10-17.
(2015) Robbins, P and S.A. Moore “Teaching through objects: grounding environmental studies in things” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 5:2: 231-236.
(2013) Robbins, P. and S.A. Moore “Ecological Anxiety Disorder: diagnosing the politics of the Anthropocene” Cultural Geographies: 20:1:3-19.
“Garbage matters: Concepts in new geographies of waste,” Progress in Human Geography, December 2012, 36: 780-799. doi:10.1177/0309132512437077
“Global Garbage: Waste, Trash Trading, and Local Garbage Politics” in Global Political Ecology, Richard Peet, Paul Robbins and Michael J. Watts, editors. London: Routledge. 2011
Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction. Paul Robbins, John Hintz and Sarah A. Moore. London: Blackwell. 2013 (3rd edition forthcoming)
“The Excess of Modernity: Garbage Politics in Oaxaca Mexico,” The Professional Geographer, 61:4,426-437
“The Politics of Garbage in Oaxaca, Mexico,” Society and Natural Resources, Volume 21:7:596-610.
“Forgotten Roots of the Green City: Subsistence Gardens in Columbus Ohio,1910-1935,” Urban Geography, 27:2:174-192