Morgan Robertson
Position title: Professor
Phone: (608) 890-3815
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Science Hall
550 North Park Street
Madison, WI 53706

Ph.D., Geography, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2004
M.A., Geography, University of Minnesota, 1998
PGDipSci, Tropical Geography, James Cook University of North Queensland, 1995
BA, Biology and Anthropology, Grinnell College 1993
Political Ecology, US Water Policy, Environmental Markets
I am a geographer and political ecologist who specializes in the study of wetland policy and market-based environmental policy. I have written extensively on wetland banking, ecosystem services, economic theories of value, and compensation under the Clean Water Act.
GEOG 139: Living in the Global Environment
GEOG 439: US Environmental Policy and Regulation
Robertson, M., T. BenDor, R. Lave, J.A. Riggsbee, J.B. Ruhl, and M. Doyle. 2014. Stacking Ecosystem Services. Frontiers in Ecology and Environmental Science.
Robertson, M. and J. Wainwright. 2013. The Value of Nature to the State. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103(4): 890-905.
Robertson, M. 2012. Measurement and Alienation: Bringing Ecosystems to Market. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 37(3): 386-401.
Robertson, M. 2009. The Work of Wetland Credit Markets: Two Cases in Entrepreneurial Wetland Banking. Wetland Ecology and Management 17(1): 35-51.
Hough, P. and M. Robertson. 2009. Mitigation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act: Where it Comes From, What it Means. Wetland Ecology and Management 17(1): 15-33.
Robertson, M. and N. Hayden. 2008. Evaluation of a Market in Wetland Credits: Entrepreneurial Wetland Banking in Chicago. Conservation Biology 22(3): 636-646.
Robertson, M. M. 2007. Discovering price in all the wrong places: commodity definition and price under neoliberal environmental policy. Antipode 39(3): 500-526.
Robertson, M. M. 2006. The nature that capital can see: science, state and market in the commodification of ecosystem services. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 24(3): 367-387.
Robertson, M. M. 2004. The Neoliberalization of Ecosystem Services: Wetland Mitigation Banking and Problems in Environmental Governance.Geoforum 35(3): 361-373.
Robertson, M. M. 2000. “No Net Loss”: Wetland Restoration and the Incomplete Capitalization of Nature. Antipode 32(4): 463-493.
Laura Lawler (M.S.)
Nicolle Etchart (Ph.D)
Eric Nost (Ph.D)
Patrick Bigger (University of Kentucky)
Brian Grabbatin (University of Kentucky)