Please consider supporting the History of Cartography Project.

Reference Map of France, ca. 1610 (fig. 48.1), Volume 3, Cartography in the European Renaissance.

By making a donation, you can have a direct impact on our work. Private gifts are an essential part of the Project’s funding. We are grateful to our supporters, and all are acknowledged in our published volumes (learn more about acknowledgment).

Your gifts will help us complete the series by publishing Volume FiveCartography in the Nineteenth CenturyOur goal is to prepare the volume as efficiently as possible without sacrificing quality. Donations support expenses related to editorial preparation.
For Volume Five, Project staff continue to:
  • coordinate 193 contributors and six editors,
  • prepare 409 entries for author review and final submission to press,
  • acquire images with publication rights for about 1,000 color illustrations,
  • create custom nineteenth century reference maps,
  • train graduate students in research and bibliographic techniques, and
  • edit for consistency and quality within the volume and across the series as a whole.

Creation of the original line drawing for Volume Three shown above was made possible by gifts from friends like you. It is an example of how gifts improve the series as a resource. Donations do indeed make a difference. Thank you.

How to make a gift by phone or by mail

Learn more about acknowledgment

Gifts are tax deductible and may be matched by the National Endowment for the Humanities.