Work on the History of Cartography Project has been accomplished with funding from both public and private sources, with grants and donations, and with resources and research release time provided by academic institutions.

Granting Agencies

The National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Science Foundation provide major grants to the History of Cartography Project, and the series simply would not exist without the great confidence in our efforts that both federal granting agencies have demonstrated.*

Institutional Support

Graduate student project assistants fact checked manuscripts, ordered illustrations, and worked as a pre-press editor, thanks to generous support from the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s College of Letters and Science and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, with funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

Private Funding

The final leg of the History of Cartography Project depends on support from individuals, private foundations, and corporations. During the research phase of the Project, private donations released federal matching fund from consecutive grants, and the broad support from individuals helped secure those research grants by demonstrating how valuable the History of Cartography is to the public as a resource. Thank you. As we move to submit the final volume to press and federal agencies no longer provide support, we look to private sources to replace “the major funders”! Please consider supporting the Project; learn how a gift from you can help.

*Material published by the History of Cartography Project is based on editorial work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0322129, 0322200, 0749511, 0749687, 1354100, 8812674, 9320895, 9975699, and 9975705. The History of Cartography has also been made possible by major grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the editors and authors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, or other sponsors.