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Geography students participate in American Association of Geographers annual conference
The American Association of Geographers (AAG) held its annual conference from March 23-27, 2023 in Denver, Colorado (with a virtual option, as well). The meeting…
National Science Foundation – Graduate Research Fellowship Program Project: Katie Braun
Congratulations to UW-Madison Geography graduate student Katie Braun on being awarded the National Science Foundation – Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Her project examines permafrost degradation…
Cart Lab Design Challenge 2023: Visualizing the Evolution of the Great Plains
By: Professors Robert Roth and Joe Mason, and graduate student Jake Steinberg The UW Cartography Lab and University of Wisconsin-Madison Geography Lab held its 9th…
Feature Story: Collaborative Papers from Prof. Erika Marín-Spiotta and Emily J. Diaz Vallejo
Two workplace climate surveys from the earth and space sciences and ecological sciences reveal widespread negative behaviors. In the first study (“Exclusionary behaviors reinforce historical…
Professor Matthew Turner honored with AAG 2023 Presidential Achievement Award
UW-Madison Professor of Geography Matthew Turner received the 2023 Presidential Achievement Award from the American Association of Geographers (AAG). This is the highest honor bestowed…
Professor Emeritus Daniel Doeppers awarded 2023 Grant Goodman Prize in Philippine Historical Studies
The Philippine Studies Group of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) has awarded UW-Madison Professor Emeritus of Geography Daniel F. Doeppers with the 2023 Grant Goodman…
Upcoming special Yi-Fu Tuan lecture honoring his legacy
Yi-Fu Tuan was a cherished faculty member in UW’s Geography Department. His path-breaking scholarship inspired us as did his dedication to our intellectual community. He…
Alumni Profile: Russell Kirby, PhD, MS
Undergraduate Studies Elmhurst College, 1972BA, (Honors) University of Wisconsin, 1974MS, Geography University of Wisconsin, 1977PhD, Geography University of Wisconsin, 1981MS, University of Wisconsin, 1991 Could…
Remembering Allan James, Ph.D.
It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of distinguished alum, Allan James (AJ). AJ received multiple degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,…
UW-Madison GIS Professional Programs Approach 200 MSc Graduates Since 2016!
What is the GISPP? Launched in 2016, the GIS Professional Programs, or “GISPP”, encompass our non-thesis design and technology degrees in Cartography & GIS. Specifically,…