Cover of the special issue “Exploratory Essays: History of Cartography in the Twentieth Century”, Mark Monmonier and David Woodward, Guest Editors.
Exploratory Essays: History of Cartography in the Twentieth Century
Table of Contents and Journal Information
Mark Monmonier and David Woodward
The Exploratory Essays Initiative: Background and Overview
Karen Severund Cook
The Historical Role of Photomechanical Techniques in Map Production
Peter Collier
The Impact on Topographic Mapping of Developments in Land and Air Survey: 1900-1939
James R. Akerman
American Promotional Road Mapping in the Twentieth Century
Patrick H. McHaffie
Towards the Automated Map Factory: Early Automation at the U.S. Geological Survey
Michael Heffernan
The Politics of the Map in the Early Twentieth Century
Alastair W. Pearson
Allied Military Model Making during World War II
Alexey V. Postnikov
Maps for Ordinary Consumers versus Maps for the Military: Double Standards of Map Accuracy in Soviet Cartography, 1917-1991
John Cloud
American Cartographic Transformations during the Cold War
Daniel R. Montello
Cognitive Map-Design Research in the Twentieth Century: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches
Robert McMaster and Susanna McMaster
A History of Twentieth-Century American Academic Cartography
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About the Volume Six Exploratory Essays Initiative
With support from the National Science Foundation from September 1999 through August 2002, the History of Cartography Project initiated work on Volume Six under the leadership of Mark Monmonier, Distinguished Professor of Geography at Syracuse University. The grant provided research stipends, with which we hoped to encourage proven or promising scholars from a wide variety of backgrounds to research the history of cartography in the twentieth century. Participants attended a planning conference in June 2000, prepared major research papers, presented their results at a symposium in March 2002, and delivered copies of their research materials to the Project. The papers were published in a special issue of Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS) Volume 29, Number 3 (July 2002) and formed a foundation for Volume Six itself.
Essays are reprinted here with the permission of each author and the American Congress on Survey and Mapping, which publishes CaGIS.
This material is based upon work supported by the:
Geography and Regional Science and Science Technology Studies Programs of The National Science Foundation under Grants No. BCS 9975699 and BCS 9975705. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
We are also most grateful to our corporate sponsors for this special issue, both of whom were significant players in the history of twentieth-century cartography:
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)
and the Rand McNally Foundation.
The History of Cartography Project has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, and numerous private donors. General editorship is provided by David Woodward, Arthur H. Robinson Professor of Geography at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Request a copy of CaGIS, Vol. 29, No. 3 (July 2002)
Subscribers to CaGIS should have received the special issue in October 2002. Friends of the History of Cartography Project who are not subscribers can obtain a copy by contacting the Madison Project office at hcart-admin@geography.wisc.edu or writing to:
The History of Cartography Project
470 Science Hall
550 N. Park St
Madison WI 53706-1404 USA