News & Events
Design Challenge 2022: K-5 Geography Curriculum Development
Get ready for DAY OF THE BADGER! April 5-6, 2022
A Design Challenge for Transforming Justice
Profile: Brian Shore
Beyond the classroom: Geography’s specialized units
Profile: Jenna Loyd
An undergraduate perspective on the return to in person classes
Geography Statement of Support for our Black and African American Community
In the wake of recent racist anti-Black incidents and violence, in Minnesota, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, New York, and elsewhere around the country, we call for full and deep solidarity with our Black and African American …
2016 Geography Department Awards
The Department of Geography is pleased to announce the winners of our 2016 Department awards. Whitbeck Graduate Dissertator Award Every year, the department gives two Whitbeck awards to Ph.D. candidates in the final writing stages their degree. …